Saturday, April 8, 2017

Math Assessments

Math Assessments

The students finished up our unit 5 math assessment Monday on decimals and we are moving into geometry (yes, geometry)!  I have had 2 students gone so they will be finishing their unit 5 assessment so I will hold the others and send them home towards the end of the week.

Today some students are bringing home Unit 5 Review Packets.  Even though we are moving on, it is a good idea for many to review and keep practicing place value into the millions as well as decimals.  If your child brings a review packet home, please work with them to complete the packet by next Monday.  Return it to school completed.

I will also send home a Student Reference Book for students to use as needed.  There is a place value chart inside.  Please return that along with the packet next Monday.

It is great for parents to work with the student through the review - checking that they are understanding and applying the concepts that we have worked on.

Thank you!

Available link for download