Saturday, April 8, 2017

Love to Run

Love to Run

I have flat feet, I pronate and Im short. The odds are stacked against me when it comes to running. Six years ago if you told me that I would one day be a runner, I would have laughed in your face. I couldnt even run a single mile. What Ive learned as I have transformed myself into a runner is that I just had to find a pace and running style that worked for me. Im a slow runner, and I love it.

Since that first mile six years ago, Ive run three marathons, four half marathons and a million of practice miles in between. Just today I ran my fourth half marathon and even set a personal record. If I can become a runner, anyone can.

1. Put on your shoes and get out there. Promise yourself youll do just 1 mile no matter how long it takes. I recommend running for 1 minute then walking for 1 minute the entire mile. You dont have to go fast, you just have to go!

2. Add distance. Slowly add a a quarter of a mile each time you run. As you get stronger you can start adding to your running time. Try 2 minutes running/1 minute walking then 3 minutes running/1 minute walking and so forth. Even to this day I run 4 minutes and walk 1 minute.

3. Find a running buddy. I always look forward to runs with my girlfriends. Friend runs are the best. After you get going and start chatting, its amazing how fast the time goes. Even if none of your friends are runners, recruit one or look for meet-up and running groups in your area. If youre a mama, check out Stroller Strides.

4. Sign-up for a race. This is what really got me committed. Theres something so motivating about putting a race on the calendar. A good place to start is with a 5k. If you want a fun one, check to see if theres a Color Run in your city.

5. Surround yourself with running inspiration. Look at running blogs, pin inspiring running messages on Pinterest, post notes on your bathroom mirror, or reward yourself with fun new running clothes. Do whatever it takes to keep you going. I promise you wont regret it.

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