Saturday, May 6, 2017

love alone is worth the fight

love alone is worth the fight

Ive know this guy for 17 years, been married for 12 and boy have we been on a journey! Weve been through some tough stuff but through it all we have fought hard for love, for dreams, for family. A couple months ago, Andy surprised me with a pretty little ring and a proposal to renew our wedding vows. We picked November 11th as the day we would have a family ceremony. In the meantime, life got busy, challenges came our way and while we could have put off the plans to renew our vows until things calmed down, it felt really important- for our relationship, for our family, for hope, for love. So last week on November 11th, we stood at our favorite beach and renewed our promises to each other. Andy spoke from the heart, I spoke from heart while crying my eyes out and Lucy jumped for was one of the most perfect 15 minutes of my life.

Available link for download